Thursday, August 9, 2012

I am still alive!!!

Greetings Loyal Readers..since by this point if you are still reading that is the only explanation.

I sincerely apologize about the delay in posting a new update!!! I have been so busy with life in general that an update just has not happened. Apparently I forgot how hectic life gets with a new baby in the house...

Little man is now 6 1/2 weeks old, and growing bigger every day. He is beginning to settle into his routine a bit more, and has finally decided that he does not need to scream at me all day if Momma is not home. He is doing much better with his feeding, and his jaundice is finally cleared up. Momma is cleared and healthy after her 6 week checkup earlier this week, as is Little Man. He also got the ol snip snip done and is now circumcised.

I am still working like a madman. Last week did 8 shifts in a row..that was a bit much by the end. On day number 8 I had fully re-affirmed my dislike of most of society. Was amazing to get a few days off, and on Sunday I drove down and picked up Little One for 2 more weeks. Last night I worked a shift at the Oompa Loompa EMS squad and skated out of there with only 2 runs for my 12 hour shift!

I have today and tomorrow off, gotta figure out what me and Little One are gonna do yet. Maybe a trip to the zoo tomorrow..we shall see.

Even though it has been forever since I updated, I am going to keep this brief, as SWMBO, Little Man, and Little One are all at home sleeping. Only reason I am updating is because I had to drop something off here at Father In Law's and add a website to his favorites since he couldn't find it.

Still no intarwebs at home, a luxury not needed at the moment, so I am sure there will be a bit of a lull before the next update.

Please, feel free to leave any comments or questions for me below, and I promise I will address all of them!

Till next time...

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