Monday, August 13, 2012

I Are Back!

Welcome back Loyal Readers..

Today marks the dawn of a new era..the era of TS&T via Mobile Hotspot!!!  SWMBO has had Sprint for 8 years now, and it has taken her almost this long to realize what a joke her cell service is. Dropped calls, busy network, 1g speeds all the would think that might be an indicator that you are not getting what you pay for...

Today we finally got some money and she has made the amazing, brilliant, stupendous move to join me on The Network That Actually Functions. In the process of doing so, I had them check my old calling plan versus their newfangled Share Everything plan..and it actually worked out about $30/month cheaper to switch..Sadly, that is with adding a 2nd smartphone, upping my data limit by 2 gigs a month, and continuing insurance on everything. Yay saving money, and not having to listen to her complain that The Now Stuff Still Doesn't Work Network is not letting her call me, and oh, sorry about the 48 copies of the same reply.

Another added benefit of this is that I can actually use my nice, fast 4g phone as a hotspot, therefore allowing me access to The Intarwebz again from an actual computer. Huge bonus to you folks since it means I can update this here blog rather effortlessly again.

Littlest One is continuing his ascension to Sumo size..he is 7 weeks old now, and has almost doubled his weight. He is usually the shining epitome of fat and happy. Little One is also here, along with G-man..both of whom were the shining epitome of Screaming Birth Control Ads today while we were out and about..I should rent those two out...cuz I swear, if they were not my chilluns, I would never want any of my own...Granted, most days they are quite well behaved, but when they are not, look out world.

Oompa Loompa EMS called me again today, trying to nail me down to work one 12 hour day shift per week. Apparently my contingent jobs have not realized yet that trying to schedule me on a regular basis is like trying to nail Jello to a tree. Plus, they are asking ME to work while the sun is out..what is up with that?!?!?? I tried explaining, yet again, that I work a completely random and indecipherable night time schedule, where no week is same as the one before, or after, or resembling anything written by a human.

Big Green EMS also approved me to work a shift for them Saturday night..with the caveat that since we got bought by MegaloExpansionEMS from down South, that I now need to come in for a "paperwork inservice" before I can actually work. Let's of course set aside the fact that I was one of their supervisor's who was actually responsible for doing said paperwork audits less than a year ago...Or that I need to learn how to document medical necessity, which is something that I have only been doing for 10 years now..Oh least they upped their pay scale slightly to make it a little more worth my time to go hang out with my buddies.

Not much new happening at Big City Trauma Center..other than that they are actually allowing some overtime for us lowly paramedics here recently, which is nice. The downside to that of course is that my moronic self recently completed 8 nights in a row, due to this newfound ability to approve an extra shift for me apparently.

Tips and trick's for you tonight are courtesy of our local Big Red Truck driver's, who also staff the Big Red Boo-Boo BLS Trucks. When one is dispatched to a call, and goes enroute to said call, one PROBABLY should turn on the really neat expensive LED disco light's that my tax dollars paid for. Especially if one is driving around with that there siren activated. A good hint that you may have forgotten this is the local Donut Protector's turned THEIR blinky red and blue lights on, with no traffic around, in the middle of the street when you went by. Liability wise, the city, and in my own special way, my fellow taxpayers and I thank you. People drive like enough of idiot's without you adding to the confusion, passing through red lights at dusk with no visual indicator of what the hell you are doing.

Till next time kids..


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